My November

  • Nov
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Hello 2019!

  • Feb
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So heyyy its already 2019!
I think i didnt get to write anything in 2018.
Well, busy bee kekdahnya.
With this little one.

Life is good.
Thats all i can say.

Well, count your blessings peeps!

Till i have more ideas to type here.. For now, here a pic of me and my lil one about a year ago..cheerio!


  • Oct
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Malas nau nak type penuh-penuh.
Padahal bukan ada limit pon sini.

Anyway, i have alot of different kind of social media platform that i addicted to   used.
Tak kisah la pensyarah ke pembebel ke ofcourse lah kita juga manusia biasa.
Jaadi banyak juga posting merapu lalalala.


Would you approved your students to be in your social media circle?

i approved some of them. Mostly on instagram. Some of them ada jugak on my facebook.
Tapi tengok jugak lah.
Student tu part berapa.
Kalau baru part 1 xpelah dik.
Duduk dulu uitm tu diam-diam.
Belajar dulu erti kehidupan.

Sebab apa?
taklah kantoi kau macam-macam masa tengah jadi student.
Dan juga tak lah kau busy body apa lecturer buat di hujung minggu.
(ingat nak jawab msg text wasap student aje ke? )

Tapi kalau x mau hadap semua ni xyah la jd pensyarah.
Maka dalam erti kata lain, layankan jelah perangai budak2 ni.
Yang senonoh tu alhamdulillah.
Yang clingy tu memang rasa nak tampo je tapi apakan daya anak orang.
Dah besar oi.
Boleh pikir sendiri dah nok.

Well i know some of my students will be reading this because well u searched your lecturer from hello!

With AJK ISEC Hall of Fame in 2016


  • Aug
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So whats with august?


Counting days 💝

Hello 2017!

  • Jan
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Alhamdulillah its the 30th day of 2017.
And finally dapat cuti!
What a semester.

Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2017!
Its not that late aite? HAHAHAA
Who cares anyway. woha~

Month of love

  • Dec
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Sudah disember ya kawan-kawan (?)
Lots of wedding invitation.
Namun apakan daya tak boleh nak penuhi semua.

For everyone who will be celebrating the month of love with engagement, solemnization, wedding ceremony, may your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance and a spoonful of understanding.
May your joy last forever!
Yang penting banyakkkk sabar..


Husband n me, post-solemnization,  9th September 2016 :)
nampak tak eyebag yg berkilo-kilo ituuu